Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Twitter Feed

I've been trying to keep a stream of my Twitter updates running alongside my blogposts. I'm very active on Twitter, and find it to be a great tool to share news and links about Marketing, sustainability and technology.

I've had some trouble lately with the Twitter app for Blogger, which means the feed will be hidden until it's repaired (I'm getting someone else's updates on it).

In the meantime if you want to follow me and see news regarding eMarketing, social media, mobile marketing and more (as well as receiving updates on my blogposts) you can follow me on Twitter.

Unlike many people on Twitter, I'm not trying to hoard followers. I really just want to share information about using online and mobile tools, as well as offline strategies to make brands more relevant. According to some, the more followers you have, the less effective your strategy may be. Here's an interesting article by AdAge: "Chalk Up Twitter's Decline to Ghost Followers" (it's already on my Twitter feed: @alicemchacon).

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